Hurray for new Queen Betsy! I absolutely love this series, and I have been waiting on pins and needles after the ending of the last book. MJ does not disappoint her readers with this one. It may be a little confusing, but so it the situation we find Betsy in this time. If you find things seem a little wonky, take a second to reread the last sentence and you will get your head back in order. Even with the twists and turns this book earns a solid 4 1/2 stars!
Vampire Queen Betsy has it rough. She has just returned from the past, future, and hell to find that everything she thought she knew is different. Jessica is pregnant? Nick is a friend? Garratt is still alive? What else could happen? A twisty turny ride through hell (again) only adds more questions.
I really liked this series. I think I have two or three left, counting the last one.